Thursday, August 7, 2008

Save the Dates (STD's)

Save the dates are to begin with, optional, but there are some ways to keep them affordable. Check out and use their business cards which are often free if you pay for shipping (approx. $5) You have to pick the design for a selection, but overall a good deal. I used them and they turned out great. Plus you get like 250 so I used the extra to scrapbook with.

If you get these save the dates one of the great ways you can distribute them is to put them in holiday cards. This way they won't cost you extra postage. Another option would be to hand them out to people. Just put an extra column on the guest list so you know that you gave one to them.

If you joined you could also email everyone a note for a save the date which could also include the link to your wedding webpage that you set up for guests to refer to for info about directions, bridal party, registry and any other info that you have.

If joining is not something you want to do then you can create an email address on hotmail or gmail (which I recommend doing anyway) and email everyone from there.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


The next step to a successful DIY wedding is to set up a budget. Take each one of the categories mentioned in the last post along with things such as: clothes, gifts, venue, food etc. For a better list and a budgeting tool try and get an account. I cannot mention enough that is one of the best resources you could use. This budgeting tool will help you keep track of everything you need to pay for.

Once you have a general budget then put all the things you need to pay for in order of your priorities. This way you will know what to spend money on. There is always a way to cut the budget and the biggest is to DIY everything you can. Always keep the budget handy you never know when you will figure out a way to cut it or to change it. You want to keep all your numbers together.

Up Next..How to DIY Save the Dates (STD's) and Invitations